Olaaaa :D
Hey guys, hope you’re all well and doing great :)
Just wanted to share a quick little something with you lovelies today. I went to stay at my mums for a while and I came across this hideous denim piece, I don’t even know why I bought it because honestly I only wore it like twice and hated it. 1. It’s too tight (size 6). 2. I can’t really do too much denim (it just doesn’t work well with me :/..) My point for this post is, don’t just throw away what you think you can’t wear it anymore. The smallest changes on an item can make such a difference in a whole outfit. Look how horrible this little thing is.

(ok I cant rotate the pic :/..)
And with just a scissor this is what I came out with :)
So I cut off the sleeves, not right to the end though, I left a bit of fabric so I can use the side of the scissor to create a fray effect, I didn’t want it to look plain and boring. Now look at the difference between them, all I had to do was chop off the sleeves and voila! BUT don’t think that just cause you can do it to one item of clothing, that you can do it to almost everything you owe! Your mama go’n sue your ass! Literally.
So here are a couple photos of how I wore it :) hope ya’ll like it and yes I got my long black hair back YAY :D
So I have my black and white stripe ponti dress with the lovely denim waist coat over it :) the accessories are simpke this time not OTT lol but I have silver on (which is a change for once) and I have bright yellow nail varnish to make my tinie nails stand out! and of course my amazing wedges which I have worn to death. OH DEAR.
Not the prettiest of photos I know, I've had a VERY long day mad tired waaaaaaaa :'( sarrrrry
Alright ladies and gents it's bed time for me, anything you guys think you want to customise and not sure on how to, just hit us up and we shall HELP :) dont be shy!
ta ta! pots of love and massive hugs!