Thursday 6 October 2011

Instagram. For the vain, artsy b*tches.

Hi guys.

Yes its been a while. Don't blame me, working with kids is EXHAUSTING.

But anyways as you may or may not know I finally got an iPhone 4 on Tuesday (before my crapberry blackberry contract had run out) and one of the first apps I downloaded was 'Instagram'. It's basically an app for taking and sharing photo's. But the thing that makes it kind of different is the fact that you can have different 'washes' over your photograph which changes the impact of said photo.

Here's one I did earlier (Blue Peter voice):

This is the BEFORE picture:

So erm...nothing special. Just me posing before work by the kitchen door (as you do). The lightings not too great and everything looks kind of orange/yellow.

Now for the AFTER photograph:

So it makes the photo look kind of 'old school', it's very artsy. And like the title suggests aswel as being 'artsy' I'm also extremely vain. So what I love about this is that its a not so obvious photoshop. Somehow I manage to look a little bit better, it changes the shade of my red lipstick, my skin looks  less shiny and even my forehead looks smaller. Ok, now I'm just making things up lol.

Here are a few more examples of how Instagram can make even the most average houseplant look like art.

Tottenham pavement.

Only houseplant I haven't killed.

Haven't used this since ALevel Art, 2008 lol

Doesn't it give my laptop that 1970s glow? lol

Oh yeah. Did I mention that it's free?

Available on iPhone, Android and crapberry

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