Sunday 30 October 2011

Make-up review: guest post!!!

Hi guys!  I’m Naomi Angus , the lovely ladies at my favourite blog ‘I Poisoned Cupid’ asked if I would like to do a guest post!! The answer was of course….YES! :D

I am 18 years old and currently studying Tourism Management at Canterbury Christ Church university, like many females across the world I love fashion and anything beauty related! ( give me youtube , fashion blogs and some Ben & Jerry’s and I can disappear for hours haha!) but singing, travel and make up are my main passions!

This is me…

As I previously stated I love beauty and skincare and I shall be writing today about a product I have bought recently…

This product is “they’re real! Mascara” by Benefit

Retailing at £18 this is by far the most expensive mascara I’ve gotten!  (Thank goodness for Debenhams gift cards ;)

It comes in a box with instructions which was quite a surprise to me because I mean how hard can it be to apply…right? For full false lash effect you have to move the wand horizontally across your lashes and then vertically with the cool spikes on the end of the tip. It sounds dramatic but literally after one stroke I was amazed at how long my lashes looked! They didn't look too thick but after a few more applications I got my desired effect!

My left eye has no mascara and my right eye has two coats! Pretty cool right!

Both eyes with two coats.

This is an excellent mascara! Great coverage with the wand, minimum clumping and gives lashes a great pretty! Would I buy it again? Sure! ...if I get another gift card! Hey I’m a student!:P

If you have the money I would say to definitely give this mascara a try as it is well worth it! I definitely think some make up products are worth spending more on, for example MAC foundation would be a great investment but things like eyeliner and lip balm I personally wouldn’t splash out on.

Stay fabulous J

Nay x

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