Tuesday 25 October 2011

Viva La Inspiration on Brick Lane!

So today Mitra and I went to Spitafields Market and Brick lane for a bit of fashion inspiration/shopping. (Shhhh don't tell my mum about the shopping part).

First up we went to an amazing jewellery stall where we bought these matching rings because we're sad fabulous like that. 

Modelled on Mitra's fingers since I hate mine.

The 'BITCH' ring cost £13, and although its not real silver the colour doesn't wear off, so its kinda worth the price. The scrabble ring was £5 but you can find them cheaper on ebay.

However, little did we realise that 10 seconds around the corner lay another jewellery stall by the name of 'Bitsch Kitsch'. They do amazing pieces and have even been featured in several publications. Here's a link to their facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bitsch-Kitsch/145595332197198?sk=wall

We took a few pictures of the things we found there:

Most of the rings are handmade and are £4 each. Which I think is pretty damn good!

Brick lane is also full of the weird and the wonderful - including the artwork. We stopped and took a few pics just because it tickled our fancy. (Did I really just say that?) lol

There was also this weird car alien thing which I don't understand but I'm also not complaining about.

We also stopped off at this little vintage shop which mostly sold knitted jumpers and velvet from the 80s. You know, the kind of things our mums wore and thought they looked hot. Mitra picked up this purple/cream jumper. I wasn't so sure...

Do you think she ended up buying it or not?

By the way did I mention that we both turned up in the same shoes. Red Vans...I guess great minds really do think alike.

So like the vain girls that we are we HAD to take a few pictures. Because a day out in our lives does not go undocumented. We'll definitely cherish this when we're old and wrinkly...but still fashionable :)

The day ended with Curry Mutton and smiles all around. 


Lots of love

Jadeybaby xxx

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