Wednesday 16 November 2011

When I was 16...

Just a short post today.

So recently I've seen this question A LOT on twitter:

"What do you wish you could have told your 16 year old self at the time to have made life easier?"

Obviously it was phrased differently but you get the gist. 

So I started thinking, what would I have told my 16 year old self, to not only reassure myself but to make life easier for myself in the future. First it would be fitting to dig out a picture of myself at 16. DON'T LAUGH. 

Ok so ewwww. But anyway...

I think I would have told myself:

  • DO NOT rush into being in a relationship. Once you start liking boys more than just on a 'crush' level its definitely all stress from there. You have your whole life to worry about that, just focus on being a child; where your biggest stresses are the 3 sheets of maths homework you got that morning.
  • Stop comparing yourself with other girls. Yes there are some girls who are so pretty that you kind of want to slit your throat. BUT there are also others looking and wishing they looked like you. Its all relative mate. 
  • If you knew me in Secondary School then you'll know I was a bit of  lot of a geek. And then I got distracted by boys and make up. I would honestly tell my 16 year old self to work extra extra hard because you only get one chance at the free education thing. Use it while its there, don't waste those fresh, sponge-like braincells. PLEASE. I mean I know I ended up at Uni and I graduated with a grade I was pleased with but I could have done so much better.
  • Lastly I would have told myself to not be in such a rush to grow up. Yes you can go raving, smoke, wear heels and stay out all night. However you also have to start paying bills (and paying back the 2 overdrafts and credit card lol). You start having to use public transport a lot more because your parents no longer feel the need to drop you off and pick you up from everywhere (this hurts me the most). And lastly you can no longer use your age as an excuse for your immaturity. Blonde moments aren't so cute when you're 21 with a full time matter how sweet your dimples make you look LOL.

That's about it from me folks.

The big question is: What would you tell your 16 year old selves? 

Answers on a postcards (or preferably in the comments section below lol)

Lots of love

Jadeybaby xXx


  1. I would tell the 16year old me...don’t be so naive. Not everyone is looking out for the best for you. However, don’t be afraid to live. Explore yourself instead of others. Know your likes and dislikes. Don’t be afraid to not give a fuck.

  2. Totally agree with that last sentence!


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