Wednesday 16 November 2011

When I was 16...

Just gonna do my part of 'When I was 16..'

Ok so Jade said not to laugh at her pic. Guys, DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH AT MINE. LOL

Yes I had bushy eyebrows AND WHAT? lol

I would have definitely told myself...

  •   "Girl who you think you are wit your jelled back hair?!!" so basically yeah, I did the whole hair up, tight slick back and literally looking like a peanut head.  It must have been 'IN' at the time :/

  • Girls and boys stay away from coloured lenses, I'm not only wearing hazel in my left eye, but damn I got grey in my right!! It's not a good look and you really will mess up your eyes (I am now short sighted).

  • Jade said she would have tried better at school, my god if I could go back, I would wake up that half hour earlier, take that extra time after lessons offered from teachers, go to homework clubs. I'd do it all if it meant that I could have gone to uni. Unfortunately I didn't get to go Uni and yes a lot of people say it's a waste of time blah blah blah.  But it's really not.  If you have the choice of doing better, then do it, you'll only thank yourself! Luckily I grew up and learned it the hard way, which made me realize what I've lost. So I kicked myself in the back side and got me a good job, something related to what I've always wanted to do. Now I grab onto any thing that comes my way, whereas before I literally got it on a plate and didn't want it.

  • And I defo agree with Jadey cakes! Be a child for as long as you can!!! You will definitely miss it, even if you're aged 16-19 BE WHO YOU ARE, cause only you can make YOU. Girlies, as time goes on we change in many ways, you will eventually have less spots, and those EYEBROWS lol will be waxed into a beautiful shape, and most of all, don't think of make up as something to cover your actual self with, make up is a girls best friend, use it in anyway you want! Wear as much as you like or as less as you like, but one tip, don't make it obvious! :p But in the meantime if you can pull it off, go el'naturel!
  • Last but not least stay close to your friends and family. As years go by you will find new friends and lose old ones (luckily me n JB are still going strong for almost 10yrs :O!!) I would have told 16 yr old me to be my mums best friend for sure, cause if you grow up without that relationship it's quite hard to make it happen later on. ALWAYS be the best you can, YOLO!!! (you only live once) as Jessie J say's..."Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars! Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing, it's ok not to be ok. Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart. Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising, just be true to who you are!'

lots of love and kisses MEECH!!


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