So it all started about a year ago, BEFORE Rihanna decided to go red, I tried to convince my friends to all go red with me, and I mean bright red, I almost had it until Rihanna ruined it all!! (I STILL LOVE HER THO) Basically the whole world decided to do the same, and hell no was I going to follow that crowd! So I waited...
The first major change I did to my hair was the famous 'dip dye' as I always liked to dye my natural dark hair black, this was a very hard job. My poor hair had to go through A LOT of bleach. But before that heres where it started.
This is me, long thick dark hair...
First session of D.I.Y 'ing my own hair.

I was left alone with a few more packs of bleach and this is what happened lol...
As you can see the bottom I left dip dyed, but honestly I have no idea what possessed me to bleach the sides cause this is what it looked like if I tied my hair up... NUTJOB
Don't know how I'm sharing this picture with the world! #CRINGE |
Obviously this didn't last, especially not when I looked like a complete idiot!... So I thought hey! It's been a year since Rihanna was last seen red, and now shes gone brown, less people are red, why don't I go red?!! Yes I did it. And yes it went wrong again. It kinda turned into something that should have NEVER happened, it only took a single picture for me to realise what a big mistake it was, and this is the picture...
Yes the dip dyed part became orange and the rest of the hair which I bleached and then added the red, only slightly took the colour. This look was the biggest downfall and I was absolutely embarrassed of my life! LOLS
So I decided to go back to black... the top half of my hair I dyed black and the bottom I bleached yet again *I know shoot me now* and then I left a bit of purple dye on it for literally 10 seconds, this is the look I came with and was quite happy in the end.
The lilac under the jet black looked cool as f***, I absolutely loved it, best thing I did myself LOL, everyone was like 'Oh wow your hair's so cool!' But yes being Mitra's hair something HAD to go wrong, the bottoms which had been bleached had now started to break really really badly and the colour started fading. So of course me being me, I had to make yet another drastic change. Few phone calls later I decided my lovely locks will be chopped off! How short was I going to go, I did not know, that I was going to decide at the hair dressers. So the day I made my way to the salon, I didn't tell anyone, BUT I bumped into lovely Jade at the bus stop (I know what a coincidence?!) No seriously it actually wasn't planned. So she came along and gave me a little support, I was crying the whole journey there! LOL JK! As the hairdresser was about to chop away I screamed 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!' and she stopped and said if your going to cut your hair you may as well make it look different, you don't want to pay for something you cant even notice yourself, Jade agreed with her and so I let her do her thannggg. It took a while for me to get used to but boyyyy was I not liking it! Strangely everyone loved it :/ here it is...
This look was probably the look that lasted the longest, it was easy to control and didn't need much time used on it, but (yes another but) I couldn't do much with it apart from straighten it, and the black was washing out and it all got really boring for me, so I decided to change the colour one more time! I've always wanted to be bright red for a very long time, and now that my hair had got really short I thought it really was time. But one thing I'll tell all you girls and guys, if you are not a qualified hair dresser then please don't attempt to dye your own hair a really bright colour, especially not if you have dyed your hair black before. It will come out wrong TRUST ME, and loads of bleach is so bad for your hair SO SO BAD. Anyway I did go back to my salon and told them I want to go red, it took almost six hours for the colour to come out right, and this is because of the black.
Yes I get weird looks from the older generation but everyone else seems to love it (mother gave me the dirtiest look of life though LOL) And this colour I will be staying for a while :) only because I really need my hair to chill for a bit. It really is breaking due to all the bleach but I'm taking loads and loads of care of it!
So there you go folks! My time of hair dying and cutting! Remember take good care of your hair because once its got too much in it then there's no going back, your hair is precious! Stay away from bleach its evetyone's enemy!!
Here are a few pictures at random times to actually show you guys the drastic changes I went through!
Hope you guys enjoyed this! :D
Lots of love and hugs!!
Meechi baby!!