Friday 30 December 2011

Introducing Archie Maddocks...

Ok we're doing something new on the blog. We're going to be conducting interviews with people who inspire us with their minds, style or simply because they've got a lot to say.

And speaking of someone who's got a lot to this first interview we'll be talking to the one and only Archie Maddocks. Apart from being a friend, he's an up and coming writer (he's pretty great and he hasn't paid me to say that...promise).

 In fact I've decided to a little cheeky plug of his first play Mottled Lines, which will be showing in the Orange Tree Theatre from 10th - 14th July. It's based on the London Riots and I can honestly say that this play is a fresh take on a subject which hasn't been out of the national media since August (he didn't pay me to say that either). Its nice to see the riots being discussed by someone who isn't condescending or patronising in the slightest.

If you already know Archie then I'm sure you'll already be coming. But if you don't then here's the LINK. Purchase a couple of tickets and I hope to see you all there!

  • Can you tell us a bit about yourself? What you do now and what you plan to do in the future - career or otherwise.
Right now I'm doing a lot of writing (play's, screenplay's, short stories, novels, poems) which seems to be going quite well. From this, I hope to make my way into acting, directing and producing alongside writing. It seems like I'm a bit of an egomaniac but there are a lot of things I would like to be involved in really.

  • Did you always want to be a writer or have you flitted between several career ideas?
No I didn't always want to write. I originally wanted to be a wrestler I think. And then a footballer (of course). And then an actor. I think what was always there was that I wanted to perform in some way. The ambition behind writing originally came from wanting to write my own parts, but I've always loved telling stories. That just naturally evolved into writing I guess. Still would love to be a wrestler though I must say!

  • Do you believe that you were 'born with a gift' or is writing something you've had to work really hard at?
Its hard to say. People and teachers have always said I've "had a way with words" but to say I've been born with a gift wouldn't be right. I may have an affiliation with words and language, but I've also worked very hard to develop my writing, so I think I would say it's a mixture of natural talent and hard work. I think what was most important was that I've always enjoyed writing, so that enjoyment has made it seem like it wasn't work in a way.

  • What types of material do you enjoy reading most? Do you turn your nose up at 'blockbuster fiction'?
No, not at all. I wouldn't say I have a specific type. When I'm encapsulated in the story, believe and empathise in the character, buy the plot and revel in the peril or angst or whatever is on offer. I enjoy it. I could happily read a story about a bag of flour if it was well written and held my attention. I have no preference.

  • Do you believe that anyone with an excellent grasp of the English language and a few creative ideas can become a writer? What does it actually take?
Hmm, difficult. On the one hand, I could say yes, because technically, anyone could become a writer of some kind. But on the other hand, not everyone has a distinctive and interesting voice to their writing. Someone could be a wizard with wording, but if their voice is melancholic and droll, it doesn't matter how ornately the words are decorating the pages, the piece will be lacking in something. So really, no, not anyone can become a writer. For one, it takes a lot of determination to be able to sit down and actually finish something that you have started. It takes good organisation to be able to structure something so that all the characters and subplots continue to move forward without slowing in momentum. And it takes and iron will to deal with the inevitable rejections that come with the territory. 

  • Where do you get your inspiration for your plays, blogposts etc? Will friends and family ever go to see a play and be surprised that you've based a character on them?
Anything and everything. Sometimes it can take a phrase in a random conversation that sparks off a whole play. Sometimes I can look at someone and think "you would make a really interesting character", so I may base a character on them that actually turns out to only inhabit a small aspect of their personality. In one of my plays, there are characters based on people I know, and when they watch it (or read it) they will think it's them. In a screenplay I'm currently writing, I've taken a lot of real life experience's and put them on paper, because real life is often a lot more stupid and unbelievable than the written thing.

An idea can come from anywhere as well, that's what I really like about writing; you have have this freedom to go absolutely anywhere. And even if you don't like where you're going, you have the opportunity to change the world so that you can fall in love with a made up place. Something else that I am currently working on (which I am not allowed to talk about yet) was inspired by the wind catching a leaf in a certain way. It can come from absolutely anywhere, and I think the unpredictability of it all makes it so exciting.

  • Since this is mainly a fashion blog, we would like you you to describe your personal style in 7 words. No cliches. 
Laconic. Eccentric. Effortless. Laid back. Unperturbed. Simplistic.

  • The other day you teased me relentlessly for buying a £120 bag. Do you have something against spending large sums of money on maternal objects or did you just really hate my bag? 
Yeah I do. I realise that this influx on material possession can allow people to make themselves feel better, but too often I see people that don't have the money spending it on something that's not even worth it. Like the people creating havoc in shopping centre's over Jordan's. Yeah, I know that within that community having a Jordan represents a status symbol, but in actuality its pathetic, a status symbol should be something like a smiling kid with with food in his gut, not a starving family walking around in fresh Jordan's. Basically, it promotes this grabby, money driven lifestyle which very rarely gets anyone anywhere. Like I was saying to you the other day, I could get a real life human to carry your possessions around with you for the day, for less money then you paid for that bag...

  • Name a celebrity that you feel aesthetically inspires you.
Ozwald Boateng...the guy always looks sick! I know that's a contradiction on what I just said since his stuff is so expensive, but his style is nice. Apart from that, I don't think there is any definitive celebrity that represents good style to me.

  • What style of clothing do you hate on the opposite sex?
Jeggings! What the flying flip is the point? You just see them creeping up batty crease's and stuff and it doesn't look good to me. Makes me think that they can't afford jeans. And girls that wear fitted's regularly...just...why?

  • What style of clothing do men wear that you fail to understand?
What constitutes as swagger now...Lil Wayne? Guy just looks to me like he gets confused in his big closet, dashes all his clothes on the floor and rolls around in a mish mash of material before leaving the house. And these proper low cut V neck things...I literally expect to see bra straps on a top cut that low.

  • What do you make of the abundance of Gucci and LV wearing males currently flooding the streets of London?
Well the way I look at it is, you have been given a name, you should be making your name big enough so you don't have to beg other people's names. So, in putting in so much work just for a name, you're denying the evolution of your own name. Furthermore, I think it elevates and promotes a general sense of prickishness in the world, and we don't really need any more of that do we?

  • If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
Money - I don't think there should be any currency. That would allow people to build for themselves and make the individual more independent. People wouldn't be controlled as easily and then it would allow people to do something they actually like for a living, not something they have convinced themselves to like since it offers the promise of economic gain.

  • What is one philosophy you live by, that you wish others would also live by?
I wish people would take time to be less serious. Too often, I see people getting wound up about the way the world is, and that is cool and everything, but I don't think you should let that affect the way you live and view things. I think if everyone would stop taking themselves, and life, so seriously, things would work better (wishful thinking I know).

  • Any pet peeves?
Well you know I've got many. Too many to rant about on a blog that isn't mine I feel. I'll give one. Pavement politics, everyone expects you to get out of their way and when people bump into each other, it's always the fault of the other...I'll leave it at that.

  • Leave us with a line that will keep us thinking.
"Anything, and anyone, has a story of how it came to be that way and how it got to where it is. Nothing is ever as simple.

Also...don't forget to check out Archie's blog... . Also, feel free to follow him on Twitter: @AWMDX :) 

Friday 23 December 2011

Knitting like a boss.

So this is going to be my last post before Christmas because tomorrow is going to be hetic. And when I say hetic I really mean passed out on the sofa with a box of mince pies watching It's A Wonderful Life (amazing film).

I just wanted to fill you in about what I've done today, which are basically Grandma style activies. 

It started off with another visit to Tesco's. I was bored so I wore a you do -_-. Ended up at my Aunt's house. She's a really creative person and I ended up making this...Pom Poms

She wanted me to hang it off the Christmas tree. I'm going to sew it to the top of one of my fingerless gloves. Its a look trust me.

Then...I decided to revisit one of my favourite childhood pastimes. And because I was a complete and utter geek, it wasn't bike riding but knitting.

I'm planning on turning this into a headband but its going to take bloody ages.

My day ended with a can of Kopparberg Pear Cider and Black Forest Gateau. Pretty perfect if you ask me. 

Have an amazing Christmas guys! And I know I talk about material objects a lot on this blog BUT don't forget the real meaning of Christmas :) 

Thursday 22 December 2011

Jadeybaby: What I Wore Today (Part drei)

Today I was woken up at the ungodly hour of 6 in the morning (by my mother) so we could do some Christmas food shopping before the masses caused all the Turkey to sell out. I had half an hour to get ready so the pictures which follow were taken afterwards, but features exactly what I wore. I think I now find it physically impossible to leave the house in a hoodie and trackies (unless I'm going to the gym). But even then I spend half an hour praying that I don't bump into anyone. 

 See even Instagram can't hide the bags under my eyes -_- 

So I wore:

So piece by piece:

  • The hat is from River Island. I bought it last year for £12 (well less with my staff discount) BUT they now have THIS version for £13. *inflation sigh*. To be honest I never really wear hats but the strawberry was kind of irresistible
  • Large white hoops from Forever 21. I love Forever 21 mainly because their jewellery so damn cheap! These cost $1.50 but I'm pretty sure they'll also stock them in their UK stores. 
  • The leather jacket is the same Topshop one I always wear for £58. I didn't think I would get so much use out of it...but since the weather is being kind to me this year I've had no need for a coat.
  • The black top inside was £16 from Topshop. Its basic. It was bought for work. It goes with EVERYTHING. Full stop. lol
  • Green jeans from River Island. I liked them instantly because (I'll be honest) they reminded me of mint ice cream. Random I know. The trend of coloured jeans is still in and I recommend THESE or THESE or THESE and especially THESE! Basically just get yourselves on because I just got a tad carried away lol.
  • I've neglected my Converses a bit recently, but I was having a love affair with my red Vans. I'm pretty sure they understand.

And today was the first day I wore my new foundation. Well I kind of stole it from my mum because the shade wasn't the exact match on her. But it turns out it was the perfect match for me.

Its called 'Clinique Superbalanced Makeup'.

Some facts about it:
  • Its great for Combination Skin. So skin that has some oily and some oily areas.
  • It comes in a 30ml pouring bottle.
  • It gives moderate coverage.
  • Its long-wearing.
  • Its £21
The shade I'm wearing is 16 Toffee. Honestly I instantly prefer this to my MAC foundation. Its really light and blends really well with my skin. I applied it with my Topshop Foundation brush and it hardly needs any blending. It also has the perfect doesn't leave my skin looking too matte or too shiny. Have a look at the pictures below and decide for yourself. I didn't use Instagram on these ones so you can see the true finish of the product.

I feel like I can wear this everyday, without giving myself away too much. My new favourite thing! :D

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Buy Me Spikes So I Know It's Real

I can't be the only person bored of dainty and pretty jewellery can I? Everytime I see a cute little necklace with daisies, or horse shoes etc I think 'how cute!'. But thats the problem I don't want to be cute anymore. I have chubby cheeks and dimples...I'm ready to rebel.

Recently all the jewellery I've bought has either been from Topshop or Spitalfields Market. Topshop seems to do the edgiest accessories on the high street and Spitalfields Market is great for one of a kind pieces. I like items that stand out, items that can transform an outfit, items that cause that middle class woman on the tube to give me dodgy looks.

So here's three of the most recent pieces I've bought...

First up is this single earring from Topshop. Too be honest I don't even know the official name for it...but at £6.50 I fell in love instantly. As you can see I already have 4 piercings in that ear already and this earring makes me look like I have one more (the cartilidge) without the pain and fear that comes along with large silver needles. *shudders*. Its 'pretty rock and roll' and can add something different to the prettiest or sexiest of outfits. Its also great to wear if you're wearing a particularly busy outfit but don't want to leave your ears completely naked. Get yourself one of these. I dare you. 

Next up we BITCH ring.

My infamous Bitch ring from Spitalfields Market. It was meant to cost £15 but Mitra and I got it down to £12. That's one of the two things I love the most about visiting markets...the power of negotiation. The other is the fact that most pieces are either rare or mass produced jewellery here. This ring itself is handmade :). The amount of looks I've because of this is pretty amazing. Its mostly been positive apart from the woman on public transport who looked at me like I had just killed her grandmother lol.

Lastly we have a necklace from Spitalfields Market...

This is one of my favourite things ever. Its handmade from large spikes and paperclips and its the only one that had been made at the time. It was originally £30 but we got it down to £15 because of a little 'incident' that we won't go into lol...never buy an item at the first price they offer you. 

I love this necklace because it just looks dangerous. In fact my mum banned me from wearing it on public transport because she thought if there was an accident it would stab me through my chin -_-. She's so extra. I think the fact that I'm not necessarily a risky person in reality means that I take my chances through my accessories.

Long may it continue :)

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Decisions: Rent or Weave

So this topic is really close to my heart and the title stems from a dilemma I've faced quite a few times.

I'm a girl who wears weave and when I used to wear brands like Premium Too/Now/Plus the cost wasn't so much of a big deal. 

So Premium brands costs like generally cost around £30 or less per packet. I needed to use 2 packets and I'd usually be able to convince my mum to buy it for me since I was a broke student who wouldn't be able to concentrate on her studies unless her hair looked good. This worked for a while...

This is a picture of when I first had it done using Premium Too. It was 18", flat, silky and I loved it. However as anyone who's ever used Premium knows, after a few weeks the texture changes and it starts to shed. Honestly it really started to pxss me off. This is how it ended up looking...

It started to get bushy and shorter. I'd have to carry a brush everywhere with me to keep it under control. 

So...I decided to do some research and find a weave that wouldn't betray me like this one had. I came across this...

It does everything it says on the shedding, washable, no tangling and the most important thing is that you could use heat on it without the hair becoming stiff. So exactly what am I complaining about? cost £45 a packet (for only 14"). I needed two packets. I know its not Brazilian or Peruvian or whatever but I was a student with two overdrafts and a credit card. And with rent to pay. So obviously the sensible option would have been to get my arse out of PAKs and purchase a box of relaxer, instead of £90 worth of colour 1 weave? But this is me we're talking about so I bought the weave and learnt to ignore the sense of guilt that washed over me.

But now I slyly have to think about the causes. Did I feel like I couldn't live without my weave? Was I that insecure that I would break into my overdraft for extra inches of hair that weren't even mine? I honestly think I was hiding behind my hair. I felt like people would look at my weave and wonder what brand it was before they looked at my face.

On the other hand, did I buy it because I knew I could get away with it? Although in my head I had told myself I had made the choice between rent and weave (and rent lost), deep down I knew that when I was in financial trouble I could always ask my dad and he would bail me out. So technically I wasn't making a choice at all. 

I have to ask myself the question...when I finally move out of my parents house and actually have the responsibilities of paying water bills and other rubbish adulty bills, will I still feel the need to choose my weave over anything else? Or will I finally grow up and sacrifice beauty for a comfortable life.


Saturday 17 December 2011

You can take the girl out of Tottenham...

Yesterday me and the fam bam had a little road trip up to Oxford to pick my sister up (she goes to the uni there, the little smarty pants). So me being the sort of creative vain girl that I am, I decided to do a mini photoshoot of what I wore a little bit of scenery. So think of this post as What I Wore Today part drei. 

So in short I'm wearing...

  • My favourite Orlando Magic Basketball Sweatshirt in XL (I think). It was bought from the Adidas Outlet Store in Orlando for $ of my favourite places on earth.
  • Ripped skinny jeans from American Eagle in Florida. The holes started of really small. However me being the drama queen that I am, I ripped them beyond belief. 
  • Red Vans from Office.
  • Fishtail earrings from Topshop.
I guess this was the 'I'm a tomboy slob meets I can't leave the house without make-up and jewellery' kind of look'.

I'm not wearing foundation so excuse the state of my skin lol. But my make-up look is pretty much the same as always. Eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, blusher and of course my favourite red lipstick. I tried something different with my hair (a middle parting). I honestly always thought my forehead was too big for one. But just maybe I can pull it off.

My sister thinks that the last two look like I'm trapped in an S&M dungeon. #Oh 

Thanks for reading lovelies!


For two weeks at work I was asked to be in the section that we all dread. THE FITTING ROOMS. So being the polite and understanding person I am NOT I did what I was asked.  By the way it was HELL, I hated every minute of it, apart from having a nice chinwag with the girlies of course.  Customers seem to just not understand anything you say to them? It makes me question human kind, ARE YOU GUYS THAT THICK?!
Any ways moving on, yesterday was my last day there and I'm back on VM from Monday. THANK THE LORD.  And as I was standing at the front of the fitting rooms I had noticed a couple girls walk passed with the most amazing chunky platform heels, they were to die for. All I thought to myself was damnnnn I gots to pay rent though!  Then the best thing ever happened! The mannequin in front of me was wearing these bad boys!


They really were just calling me. Only 40 quid! :)

Girls get rid of those silly little ballet pumps and set your feet in these babies, you will never regret it. This seasons chunky platform heels are in and look good with almost anything, whether your going out shopping or hitting a party. They are defo day and night heels, in my books anyway :)

Need I say anymore? 

Jeffrey Campbell why are you doing this to me?!
price....$240 -__-

Ok these need to be in my life like asap.

And then there were these.... *sigh*

So this is Jade taking over from Mitra because her laptop kinda died on her lol. So I'm just wrapping things up and saying that if you are going to buy a pair of heels for the Christmas party season and into 2012 then this style is the one. Brighten up a pair of jeans or make a glitzy party dress contemporary. Knock yourselves out!

Love and kisses

Mitra (and Jade for one paragraph :p)


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