Friday 23 December 2011

Knitting like a boss.

So this is going to be my last post before Christmas because tomorrow is going to be hetic. And when I say hetic I really mean passed out on the sofa with a box of mince pies watching It's A Wonderful Life (amazing film).

I just wanted to fill you in about what I've done today, which are basically Grandma style activies. 

It started off with another visit to Tesco's. I was bored so I wore a you do -_-. Ended up at my Aunt's house. She's a really creative person and I ended up making this...Pom Poms

She wanted me to hang it off the Christmas tree. I'm going to sew it to the top of one of my fingerless gloves. Its a look trust me.

Then...I decided to revisit one of my favourite childhood pastimes. And because I was a complete and utter geek, it wasn't bike riding but knitting.

I'm planning on turning this into a headband but its going to take bloody ages.

My day ended with a can of Kopparberg Pear Cider and Black Forest Gateau. Pretty perfect if you ask me. 

Have an amazing Christmas guys! And I know I talk about material objects a lot on this blog BUT don't forget the real meaning of Christmas :) 

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