Saturday 17 December 2011


For two weeks at work I was asked to be in the section that we all dread. THE FITTING ROOMS. So being the polite and understanding person I am NOT I did what I was asked.  By the way it was HELL, I hated every minute of it, apart from having a nice chinwag with the girlies of course.  Customers seem to just not understand anything you say to them? It makes me question human kind, ARE YOU GUYS THAT THICK?!
Any ways moving on, yesterday was my last day there and I'm back on VM from Monday. THANK THE LORD.  And as I was standing at the front of the fitting rooms I had noticed a couple girls walk passed with the most amazing chunky platform heels, they were to die for. All I thought to myself was damnnnn I gots to pay rent though!  Then the best thing ever happened! The mannequin in front of me was wearing these bad boys!


They really were just calling me. Only 40 quid! :)

Girls get rid of those silly little ballet pumps and set your feet in these babies, you will never regret it. This seasons chunky platform heels are in and look good with almost anything, whether your going out shopping or hitting a party. They are defo day and night heels, in my books anyway :)

Need I say anymore? 

Jeffrey Campbell why are you doing this to me?!
price....$240 -__-

Ok these need to be in my life like asap.

And then there were these.... *sigh*

So this is Jade taking over from Mitra because her laptop kinda died on her lol. So I'm just wrapping things up and saying that if you are going to buy a pair of heels for the Christmas party season and into 2012 then this style is the one. Brighten up a pair of jeans or make a glitzy party dress contemporary. Knock yourselves out!

Love and kisses

Mitra (and Jade for one paragraph :p)


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